News and Announcements

SACS LionBackers Athletic Booster Club

San Antonio Christian Schools official Athletics and Booster Club Page. We are proud to support all of our student athletes and Booster Club events.

Welcome to SACS Online Alumni Community.

Alumni are scattered across the country and even around the world. But no matter where your lives have led you, our alumni all share a common bond -- and that's the place they started out.

Click "My Profile" and "Search" above.

Where is everyone?

See where each alum is located via this Google map. Just update your profile to be included.

We're on Facebook

Catch up with us on social media.

Contact Information

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or need any help with planning or organizing your class reunions/get-togethers. We would love to help!

Information Update

Keep your e-mail and mailing addresses current and you'll receive the details for all alumni information, activities, events, and reunions.